Beneath a Crescent Shadow is now available!

I’m so excited to post that Beneath a Crescent Shadow, Book One in The Balkan Legends Series, is now available in hardcover, audiobook, and ebook. The narrator for the audiobook is Lameece Isaaq, and she is fabulously talented. You can find Beneath a Crescent Shadow in many bookstores and online at Amazon, Audible, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Deseret Book (including Bookshelf Plus), Kobo, Seagull Book, Target, and Walmart

Here’s what the book is about:

The Balkans, 1373

A devastating battle claimed the lives of Konstantin’s father, uncle, and most of their Serb army, leaving him to rule as a vassal of the Ottoman sultan, a role he is wholly unprepared for. Between war, famine, and a persistent band of brigands, Konstantin is nearly bankrupt. He will need to find a wealthy bride to marry if he is to have any hope of saving his lands and securing his future.

A betrothal to Suzana, the daughter of a prosperous merchant, is soon arranged, and upon meeting her, Konstantin immediately feels hope that their marriage could someday grow into love. Yet, from the moment of Konstantin and Suzana’s betrothal, enemies threaten their lives, outlaws prey on their lands, and the terrors of Suzana’s abusive past haunt their fragile new relationship. As this onslaught of threats closes in, the two face challenges that will test their love, their faith, and their hope to save their people and win their freedom from the heavy weight of Ottoman oppression.

Here’s The Balkan Legends series so far, with both After the Crescent Strike (a prequel novella) and Beneath a Crescent Shadow (Book One) available now. Beyond the Crescent Sky (Book Two) has a new cover and will be released in January 2025. Against a Crescent Storm (Book Three) is currently scheduled for a 2025 release. 

Each story can be read independently of the others. So you don’t have to read the prequel before you read Book One, but most readers will have the best experience reading the series in order. Whichever book you pick up first, I hope you love it!

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