What’s Next


MONDAY, MAY 6, 6–8 pm, Seagull Book in South Jordan

This is a signing with all the HEIRS OF FALCON POINT authors: Traci Hunter Abramson, Sian Ann Bessey, Paige Edwards, and me. 
The first 50 people will get a Falcon Point tote bag and exclusive print.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 3–4:30 pm, Orem Deseret Book
This is a signing with Jerry Borrowman, Rebecca Anderson, Jentry Flint, and me, with other authors signing throughout the day.
Copies of my June release, Beneath a Crescent Shadow, will be available for early purchase!
Full info about the day is available here: https://shdwmtn.com/Multi-author

Upcoming Releases:

Post 4 Behind the Scenes SowardsMy next several releases are my Balkan Legends series. This epic medieval story takes place during the struggles between the Serbs and the Ottomans in the late 14th century. Each book will have its own complete plot, and while the cast overlaps across books, each story will focus on one couple’s adventures and romance.

After the Crescent Strike, a prequel novella, is out now in ebook, with an audio version on the way.

Beneath a Crescent Shadow, Book One, will come out in June 2024 in hardcover, audiobook, and ebook.

Beyond the Crescent Sky, Book Two, will be released in January 2025 in hardcover, audiobook, and ebook.

I’ll have more details about the release of Against a Crescent Storm, Book Three, at a later time.

Recent Releases:

Codes of Courage WEBCodes of Courage, (October 2023) picks up the story of Karl Lang from the WWII portion of Heirs of Falcon Point and follows him and several other characters through the war. It includes code breaking, naval action above and below the waves, and a heart-wrenching love story. Codes of Courage is available in print, audio, and ebook formats.

FINAL_A Waltz With Traitors COVERA Waltz with Traitors, (March 2023) digs into the history of the Czechoslovak Legion, World War One, and the Russian Civil War. A Waltz with Traitors is available in print, ebook, and audiobook.

Before the Fortress Falls_Final CoverBefore the Fortress Falls, (April 2022) a historical fiction novel, follows a group of siblings and friends who navigate the 1683 siege of Vienna as a musketeer, counterminer, nurse, and diplomat. Available in print, ebook, and audiobook.

I’m always working on new stories. To make sure you don’t miss anything, please sign up for my newsletter, or follow me on BookBub or Amazon.

Last updated March 2024.











    1. Hi Madisyn! The title actually wasn’t my idea. The publisher picked it. But yes, the book is about espionage, so the title fits and should make the right people pick the book up to read the back cover.


  1. Hello I am an eighth grader in Peoria Arizona, and I wanted to tell you that I loved your book. I thought the whole plot was thrilling and suspenseful, while having the gospel incorporated as well. Keep it up, and thanks for writing the series!


    1. Timothy, thank you so much for reading my book and taking the time to leave a comment! I was about your age (in jr. high) when I really starting liking WWII spy stories.


    1. Thanks, belsbror! Tips for an aspiring writer could be a blog post–so I think I’ll write one (in the next few weeks). Thank you for giving me a good topic to blog about!


    1. I’m not sure yet. Best case scenario is the first half of 2014, but it depends on what the sales numbers are like for Sworn Enemy. I should know more in September or October. Thank you for asking–I’m glad to know there are people interested in reading more about these characters!


  2. Thoroughly enjoyed both books–I’m a big fan of WWII history books, spy/mysteries; and combination is great.

    Thanx for the careful research 🙂 (I’m an old history teacher)




    1. Thank you! Jason Tatum does a good job with all those different accents, doesn’t he? I feel so lucky that my publisher gets him to record my books. If I had to pick a favorite from the three audio books I have out now, I’d probably pick Sworn Enemy. I love the Eastern European voices (and the French, German, Irish, and English).


  3. I just had hip replacement surgery and am on my fifth of your five books (Spider). Started during pre-surgery anxiety. I am a WWII buff and have loved them all. Thanks for keeping me sane!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I just read The Rules in Rome, and I am hooked!!! Absolutely loved it; it was the first book of yours I had ever read. I have to admit I was a bit shattered when a certain person was killed, but later understood why you put that in there based on the actual atrocities of the Nazis in that area (and many other areas, as I read a lot of WWII and holocaust books). Can’t wait to read more of your previous releases. In fact, I have already downloaded an e book for my flight home this week! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Karen! It means so much to me to hear from readers. I’m glad you enjoyed The Rules in Rome and that you have another of my books waiting to be read!


    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed Spider, Maddie! Thanks for your comment. At this time, I don’t have any new books planned with those characters, but there’s a connection between The Spider and the Sparrow and my WWII Espionage Trilogy (Espionage, Sworn Enemy, and Deadly Alliance). I’m hoping to start another WWI book soon, but it’s set in a different part of the war, so it won’t involve Warren, Julian, or Evette.


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